Slight correction. Bin Laden was found and killed in Pakistan, not Afghanistan.

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Thanks. My mistake.

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Thanks for fact-checking.

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Very well said. It breaks my heart as someone who feels compassion for the innocent women children men and humans. As a mother--no child should die for war and through violence no matter their race religion etc. I appreciate your voicing this. It saddens me that the Israeli govt is now making jews and israelis seem evil in the eyes of the world--the violence must stop and i pray that peace will one day prevail. This bloodshed will be hard to repair. Yet traumatized people will traumatize others if they are not given the chance to heal. May we bring in food water shelter and hostage negotiators and therapists not bombs.

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Peter Paula and Mary?

Only two of the planes departed from Boston.

Lipstick on a corpse needed to be repeated?

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